न मोक्ष उपलब्धि है न समाधि अपितु जीवन में अपनी प्रतिभाओं का सही प्रकार से उपयोग कर सकें यही योग की उपलब्धि है l
परमहंस स्वामी निरंजनानंद सरस्वती

Hatha Yoga

Maintaining the body.

Sat Karm

“Cleansing technique – Neti, Kunjal, Sankhprachalan (releases excess musus and toxins), Tratak(for mental cleansing)”

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Sukshma Vyayam

Yogic warm up

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“Posture – open energy channels or muscular knots”



“Breathing technique – Extension or expansion of the dimension of prana (life force)”



“Which alter mood, attitude and perception which deepens awareness and concentration”


“Locking of energy – Prana for spiritual awakening”


Yoga Nidra

“Psychic sleep – An unique technique of Bihar School of yoga founded by Paramhansa Satyananda Saraswati. To release tension (muscular, emotional, mental), personality transformation, creativity and something more which can be experienced only”


Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

“The aim of hatha yoga is to balance the physical and mental activity, to harmonize the physical movement of prana and the mental experience of prana.”

Raj Yog

Mind Management (Dharna Dhayana)

जिस प्रकार जल स्थिर होता है तो प्रतिबिंब स्पष्ट दिखलाई देता है ,उसी प्रकार जब भावनाएं स्थिर और मन शांत हो तो आंतरिक स्पष्टता आती है और यह राज योग के द्वारा प्राप्त हो सकता है l

Bhakti Yog

Managing or to channelizing the emotions

Gyan Yoga

To Develop inner awareness. rediscovering oneself

Karma Yog

Developing the right attitude

Yoga Glimpses